Take Action on the Climate and Ecological Emergency

This website was created to encourage everyone to become a climate activist. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report from the United Nations, we need to immediately transition off coal, oil, and natural gas and protect 30-50% of the land and water in its natural state.

According to the UN, if we do not act with urgency, we “will miss a brief and rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a livable and sustainable future for all.

Climate scientists predict catastrophic results from accumulating greenhouse gases in the atmosphere if we continue with business-as-usual. Earth is on track for several degrees of heating. Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets are melting, causing a sea level rise that will ultimately flood coastal cities. More than a million species could go extinct, devastating biodiversity and risking mass food shortages. Deserts will expand and render large areas of the planet uninhabitable, forcing up to 1.2 billion climate refugees to migrate by 2050, disrupting societies and economies. Worsening droughts, floods, heat waves, and wildfires will threaten our health and safety. Unfortunately, none of this is in scientific dispute.

We have the solutions but need governments to act with urgency.

If we want to ensure a safe and habitable planet for ourselves, our children, and all life on Earth, we must all demand that governments around the world take urgent action that’s in line with the science in order to protect us from worsening climate and ecological collapse, and the possibility of social collapse.

Humans Susceptible to 'Boiling Frog' Effect

“The world is getting dangerously hot. Storms have been ferocious. Whole land masses are disappearing. Have you noticed this incredibly bad weather of late?

Not fully, scientists say. New research demonstrates a terrifying adaptability of 21st century human beings: in the face of unprecedented climate change, we are normalising the weather temperatures, and not realising how truly bad things have become.

There's a famous analogue for this phenomenon; one that's both fitting and frightening. It's called the boiling frog effect – the notion that a frog immersed in gradually heating water will fail to notice the creeping change in its circumstances, even as it's literally being boiled alive.” - Science Alert

Fossil Fuel Industry Funds Misinformation Campaigns

“Fossil fuel companies have a long history of adopting public relations strategies straight from the tobacco industry’s playbook. But a new analysis shows the two industries’ relationship goes much deeper — right down to funding the same organisations to do their dirty work.

Of these organisations, DeSmog can reveal that 32 have taken direct donations from the tobacco industry, 29 have taken donations from the fossil fuel industry, and 28 have received money from both. Two key networks, based around the Koch brothers and Atlas Network, are involved in coordinating or funding many of the thinktanks.

While reviewing the Guardian’s database, Hsu recognized many of the names among those fighting tobacco regulations were the same as “those working to foment climate science denial”.

“This is a well-funded movement,” he says. “The strategies used in the tobacco debate are definitely strategies being used in the climate debate.” - Desmog

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