Climate Emergency is Child Rights Crisis

Most parents go to great lengths to protect our children. We ensure that they have food, water, a good education, and receive the love they deserve so they have a shot at a positive and secure life.

Our climate inaction as adults is abandoning our children to a dying Earth that can no longer be relied on to grow crops, to supply enough water, or to sustain a stable temperature and conditions that support life. This breakdown will result in climate migrations and resource wars that threaten national security.

Read a roundup of the headlines:

“The climate crisis is a child rights crisis presents the Children’s Climate Risk Index (CCRI), which uses data to generate new global evidence on how many children are currently exposed to climate and environmental hazards, shocks and stresses. A composite index, the CCRI brings together geographical data by analyzing 1.) exposure to climate and environmental hazards, shocks and stresses; and 2.) child vulnerability. The CCRI helps to understand and measure the likelihood of climate and environmental shocks or stresses leading to the erosion of development progress, the deepening of deprivation and/or humanitarian situations affecting children or vulnerable households and groups.”

UNICEF, The climate crisis is a child rights crisis 


Education: In periods of crisis, girls are often the first to drop out of school to help their families make money, do domestic chores or look after their brothers and sisters. If they are out of school, they are less likely to learn about climate change and how to deal with its effects.

Child marriage: When families’ income and ability to survive are put at risk, child marriage can be seen as a way to reduce the financial burden of taking care of girls. 

Violence: During and after extreme weather events, girls are at increased risk of violence and exploitation, including sexual and physical abuse, and trafficking. These risks are heightened when collecting food, water and firewood, or when staying in temporary shelters.

Sexual and reproductive health and rights: Disruption to health services due to disasters increases unplanned pregnancies and sexual and reproductive health problems. A lack of access to education can also limit girls’ understanding of these issues.

Health: Girls are more likely to go hungry when food is in short supply. Also, certain diseases may affect girls more than boys if they are already suffering from malnutrition or a lack of water, especially during menstruation or if they are pregnant or young mothers.’”


More Reading


Fossil fuels and chemicals harm our health


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