Climate action for introverts

Joining a climate group and working together is the most powerful and effective way to demand government action, corporate action, and manifest the system change needed to maintain a habitable Earth, but joining a climate group isn’t an option for everyone.

If you’re an introvert, homebody, or don’t have the time and energy to join a climate group, there are ways to do climate activism independently and from the comfort of your home. Emailing and calling your representatives, writing blog posts, signing petitions, creating art related to the climate crisis, posting articles on social media to raise awareness, talking with your friends and family about the crisis, and writing op-eds are a few options.

Your lifestyle can also serve as an example about what it means to consider Earth and live in an Earth-friendly way. Growing wildflowers in your yard, installing a heat pump, biking instead of driving, switching to a green bank, and eating a plant-based diet all serve as good examples and may inspire others to make changes in their own lives.

Check out “take action from home” for more ideas.

More reading


Take Action From Home


Local Climate Action