Climate Change and human rights

Burning fossil fuels and ecological destruction infringes on our constitutional right to a healthy environment. And as climate and ecological breakdown worsens, climate migrations and societal disintegration will put minority and vulnerable populations at increased risk of violence and humans rights violations.

Read a roundup of the headlines:

“Can the U.S. Constitution encompass a right to a stable climate? Courts around the world are finding that their constitutions afford a right to a clean and healthy environment, including to a safe climate. In the United States, this claim is being tested in the case of Juliana v. U.S., brought by 21 children argu- ing that governmental actions and inaction have caused or contributed to an “environmental apocalypse” in violation of a fundamental constitutional right to a stable climate.”

UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy, Can the U.S. Constitution Encompass a Right to a Stable Climate? (Yes, it Can.)

“The right to a healthy environment is recognized in law by at least 155 Member States. The failure of states to take adequate steps to address climate change may constitute a violation of the right to a healthy environment, as several courts have recognized.

As detailed in the Safe Climate report, governments have an obligation to take effective measures to mitigate climate change, enhance the adaptive capacity of vulnerable populations and prevent foreseeable loss of life. This includes preventing the potential violation of rights by third parties, especially businesses, as well as establishing, implementing and enforcing laws, policies and programmes to fulfil their citizens’ rights.

Importantly, the Special Rapporteur calls on wealthy states to contribute their fair share towards the cost of mitigation and adaptation in low-income countries—as countries are not equally responsible—nor affected—by the climate crisis.“

UN Environment Programme, Human rights are at threat from climate change, but can also provide solutions

“In many parts of the world, people are facing multiple climate-related impacts such as severe drought and flooding, air pollution and water scarcity, leaving their children vulnerable to malnutrition and disease. Almost every child on earth is exposed to at least one of these climate and environmental hazards. Without urgent action, this number will go up.”

UNICEF, The impacts of climate change put almost every child at risk

“It is estimated that 80 per cent of people displaced by climate change are women, according to UN Environment.

When women are displaced, they are at greater risk of violence, including sexual violence, said Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

“While they sleep, wash, bathe or dress in emergency shelters, tents or camps, the risk of sexual violence is a tragic reality of their lives as migrants or refugees,” Bachelet said. “Compounding this is the increased danger of human trafficking, and child, early and forced marriage which women and girls on the move endure.’”

United Nations Human Rights, Climate change exacerbates violence against women and girls

More reading


Climate Injustice: the Global South


Fossil Fuels, air pollution & environmental racism