The power of your money and your vote

We have known for over 30 years that human behavior is causing abrupt temperature rise and ecological destruction that is putting the ecosystems that we rely on for survival at risk.

Climate groups continue to put pressure on decision-makers to take immediate and urgent action on the climate and ecological crises. Most government and corporate entities are responding to citizens with loose promises and policies that fall short of what climate scientists say is needed to avoid runaway heating and an 'uninhabitable hothouse Earth.'

Protesting and NVDA is not enough

Even though it's an important piece of the solution, protesting and NVDA has not been enough. Our leaders refuse to listen and act with urgency.

On top of holding people in power accountable for failing to act on the science, we must swiftly and collectively abandon any financial institution, corporate entity, and elected official, whether they are a Democrat or Republican, that continues to deny climate science, accepts lobbying money from the fossil fuel industry, or funds fossil fuel projects. We can use the power of our money and our vote to change the trajectory of the market and our society.

In the United States, that means we need to move our money away from JPMorgan Chase Bank, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Citibank, Liberty Mutual, and Blockrock.

Many people who end up in positions of political and corporate power and leadership abuse their power. They look to benefit themselves even at the expense of people and planet. Part of abusing their power includes refusing to listen to the science and respond to protester's anger and pleas for action. Greenwashing is also normalized. While a company may publicly face as green and environmentally responsible as part of their brand, behind closed doors they continue to invest billions into fossil fuels and environmental destruction.

The IEP states that we cannot afford any more fossil fuel infrastructure if we want to keep warming below 2.7F, the goal of the Paris Climate Agreement. Even this goal has been projected to be too little too late by many scientists who fear that we are close to Earth’s major tipping points. These tipping points would trigger runaway global heating, leading us towards an uninhabitable hothouse Earth, that cannot be stopped by human behavior.

Citizens need to move their money and vote to environmentally responsible banks, investors, businesses, and politicians. Only when banks like JPMorgan and politicians like Manchin lose enough money, votes, customers, and power will they concede and consider transitioning away from fossil fuels. They have shown that they won't act on their own, based on climate science and out of compassion for people and planet. Only through sustained pressure and greedy short-term motives will they meet the demands of activists and do what is necessary to maintain a safe and habitable earth.


Reduce your Households trash, Plastics and Chemicals


One Household’s Journey to Carbon Neutral