Green jobs and degrowth

The climate crisis is giving humanity an opportunity to transition away from fossil fuels, a destructive form of energy that harms human and planetary health and threatens our safety and survival, to renewable sources of energy. In the long run, transitioning to renewables would save countries and individuals money and boost the economy with green jobs.

It’s also giving us the opportunity to move away from excessive consumption and a growth-based economic system to an economic system that considers human health and respects planetary boundaries.

Read a round up of the headlines:

Three “super-tipping points” for climate action could trigger a cascade of decarbonisation across the global economy, according to a report.

Relatively small policy interventions on electric cars, plant-based alternatives to meat and green fertilisers would lead to unstoppable growth in those sectors, the experts said.

But the boost this would give to battery and hydrogen production would mean crucial knock-on benefits for other sectors including energy storage and aviation.”

The Guardian, ‘Super-tipping points’ could trigger cascade of climate action

“The energy crisis is impacting billions of people around the world, as soaring prices have made it more expensive to power homes and businesses.

However, the current crisis has also accelerated the rush for renewable energy, as countries across the world scramble to develop more secure, as well as more sustainable power sources.

This is having a consequent knock-on effect on new job creation in the renewable energy field. Worldwide employment in the sector grew by 700,000 from 2020-2021, reaching 12.7 million jobs, according to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).”

The World Economic Forum, The renewable energy transition is creating a green jobs boom

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