Indigenous Rights Resource List

Take Action for Indigenous Rights

  1. Attend a Powwow!

  2. Check out campaigns by National Congress of American Indians.

  3. Support Indigenous-owned businesses, and visit Indigenous Festival Bazaar in Boston.

  4. Register to Vote! And vote for politicians who believe in reparations for Indigenous people and communities!

Sign Petitions

  1. Tell Congress: No Big Oil Bailout!

  2. Supporting Women and Families

  3. Upholding Constitutional Rights

  4. Boycott and Divest

  5. Greening Standing Rock

  6. Justice for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women

  7. Help raise awareness and bring justice to the missing and murdered indigenous women

  8. Stand With Mashpee


  1. Native Lives Matter

  2. Cultural Survival

  3. Indian Law Resource Center

  4. Safe Woman, Strong Nation

  5. Lakota People's Law Project

  6. Native American Heritage Association

  7. First Nations Development Institute

  8. Native American Rights Fund

  9. Adopt a Native Elder Program

  10. Survival International

  11. Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women

  12. Amnesty International

  13. The Red Nation

Join Groups

  1. Cultural Survival

  2. Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women

Educate Yourself

Suggested Reading

  1. Read the full text of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

  2. Recovering the Sacred: the Power of Naming and Claiming, by Winona LaDuke

  3. Spirit Car: Journey to a Dakota Past, by Diane Wilson

  4. The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven, by Sherman Alexie

  5. What Does Justice Look Like?, by Waziyatawin

  6. Native American Today

  7. Vision Maker Media

  8. Red Power Media

  9. Books from Living Justice Press

  10. Indian Country Today

  11. The Lakota People’s Law Project Decolonized Reading List for 2025

Movies, Documentaries, and Series

  1. Native America, series by PBS

  2. Indigenous Cinema


  1. This Land

  2. Native America Calling

  3. Unreserved

  4. All My Relations

  5. Teaching Tolerance, to help teachers and schools educate children

  6. Media Indigena

  7. Native Opinion

  8. Taken


  1. The forgotten minority in police shootings, by Elise Hansen from CNN

  2. Addressing the Epidemic of Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, by Carolyn Smith-Morris from Cultural Survival

  3. Indigenous Knowledge Can Help Solve the Biodiversity Crisis, by Hannah Rundle from Scientific American

  4. Native Americans Want to be Included in Race Talks, by Associated Press

  5. Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls in Canada, by Jennifer Brant

  6. What Indigenous Rights Have to Do With Fighting Climate Change, by Andre Pagliarini

More Resources

  1. Sexual Assault in Native American Women: A Guide to Support and Resources

  2. Comprehensive List

  3. Actions from Indian Law Resource Center

  4. The Advocates for Human Rights

  5. Tools for Racial Justice

  6. Community Change Inc.

  7. Native American Organizaions

  8. Whites Confronting Racism

  9. ASO Communications: Race Class Narrative Action

  10. Top Native American Organizations to Know

  11. Media Indigena


Racial Justice Resource List


Costs of Climate Crisis