Scientists urge citizens to mobilize
Over 1,000 scientists across the globe took nonviolent direct action after the release of the latest IPCC report. They say: “The ecological crisis is accelerating, and only a "climate revolution" will be enough to avert catastrophe.”
2022 IPCC Report: 'Atlas of Human Suffering'
The recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Report (IPCC) states that we are running out of time to stop runaway global heating that will create what climate scientists call an “uninhabitable hothouse Earth.”
2023 IPCC Report
The latest IPCC report says this is our final chance to act if we want any chance of avoiding 1.5 degrees C heating. Warns that climate change is making Earth “uninhabitable”
Recent Reports from the IPCC and IEA
Reports from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the International Energy Agency
Drought Could Displace 700 Million In Africa
The climate and ecological crises could displace up to 700 million Africans by 2030
Degrowth for a habitable Earth
Why moving away from our capitalist system is necessary to maintain a habitable Earth
We still have time to act
We still have time to prevent runaway heating and an “uninhabitable hothouse earth” but the IPCC report states that our window of time to act is rapidly closing