Women’s rights resource list

Climate change puts women around the globe at increased risk of displacement, unintended pregnancies resulting from forced climate migration, poverty, and gender-based violence. Women are more likely to be responsible for collecting firewood, rainwater, producing food, and child care, which could all be negatively impacted by climate change.

People who believe that women should be submissive, instead of equitable, are more likely to deny climate change and condone the exploitation of the natural world. Raising awareness and working to end sexism is closely connected to environmental justice and the protection of the natural world.

Take action to help end gender inequality and protect women from climate-related risks:


  1. Help a woman lift herself out of poverty. Women for Women International

  2. WWHR

  3. Global Fund for Women

  4. Donate to the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women

  5. 10 Charities Working Toward Women’s Rights & Empowerment


  1. Gender equality · Change.org

  2. Women's rights · Change.org

  3. Support Women's Equality Now



  1. Books About the History of Women's Rights | Penguin Random House

  2. 10 Books You Should Read to Learn the History of Women's Rights | BestColleges

  3. Twelve feminist books everyone should read | by UN Women | Medium

  4. 10 Books That Celebrate Women’s Rights and Women’s Wrongs | Powell's Books (powells.com)


  1. 18 essential movies about the fight for women's equality | Mashable

  2. Films about Women and Social Justice and Change - The Commons (commonslibrary.org)


  1. Amended Podcast - HNY (humanitiesny.org)

  2. CODEPINK Radio - CODEPINK - Women for Peace

  3. The Suburban Women Problem Podcast - Red Wine and Blue

  4. 11 Inspiring Female Podcasts for Women's History Month


Global warming and insect-borne disease


Climate Writers