Climate Change and Solutions
Present day climate change is human-caused and we know the solutions
Increasing Climate Risks
Instead of demanding change, many of us are adapting to increasing risks.
Melting Permafrost
Melting permafrost will emit trapped carbon and methane and could potentially release dangerous viruses
Sea level rise: Glacial and Ice sheet Melt
Glaciers and ice sheets are melting faster than scientists projected, locking in sea-level rise that puts coastal communities at risk
Animal Agriculture
Animal agriculture produces around 15% of global emissions and requires massive amounts of deforestation and fresh water
Radiative Forcing
Radiative forcing is a holistic way of understanding earth’s energy balance
Uninhabitable Earth
Because of human behavior, we are on track to hit major tipping points that will render large areas of Earth uninhabitable and put the survival of our species at risk
Humanity’s struggle to respect Boundaries
Humanity is crossing Earth’s boundaries, creating an environment that is increasingly inhospitable to life
Plastic Pollution
Plastic pollution poisons the land, water, and our health and accelerates global heating.
Sixth Mass Extinction as dangerous as Climate Crisis
The Sixth Mass Extinction is the first major extinction event that is preventable and a result of human behavior.
Why we need to focus on the Ecological Crisis
We need to transition away from oil, coal, and natural gas to renewable energy and restore and protect ecosystems.
Fresh Water Shortage
Fresh water we rely on for drinking, agriculture, and industry is being put at risk because of overuse and climate change
How climate breakdown is affecting Americans
Half of Americans believe they are immune from climate and ecological breakdown