Stop Line 3

Line 3 Social Media Action Toolkit from XR NYC and check out Take Action — Stop Line 3.

Join us for a social media digital action to #DefundLine3!

Line 3 is a pipeline that will carry tar sands crude from Alberta Canada through northern Minnesota to an export point in Superior, Wisconsin. If completed, Line 3 would endanger more than 800 wetlands and 200 waterways, including the headwaters of the Mississippi river, and destroy the sacred wild rice beds that the Anishinaabe people depend on for their food, culture and way of life. Line 3 would contribute as much damage to our climate as 50 new coal burning power plants.

Banks like Chase, Citi, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and TD Bank provide financing to the Line 3 project. These banks appear to be doing their best to score an F-minus on corporate social and environmental responsibility.

Let's show our solidarity with the frontline Water Protectors by pressuring these banks to respect Indigenous rights, protect our climate and walk away from Enbridge, or otherwise face the reputational risk that will inevitably occur if they fail to do so. We need to #StopLine3

Log on to Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, post any of the images found by clicking the link below. We've provided some text for you to add to your post, but feel free to get creative, and make it your own! Just be sure to use the two hashtags #DefundLine3, and #BankingOnExtinction, and the handle of whatever bank it is you're posting about.

If you're on a phone, click on the image to bring it up, and then simply holding down on the touchscreen on the image will give you the option to save it to your phone or device, then find it in your images or camera roll, and then share it to whatever social media platform you'd like using the text and hashtags below!

If you're on a desktop or laptop computer, click each image so it's the only thing on your screen, right click on each image (or hold down control and click on it for Mac users), click "save image as", pick a name, save it! Then go to your platform of choice, upload it to a post, add some of the text we've provided (or write your own) and share it.

Download graphic assets here

1. Wells Fargo Text 1: Funding tar sands pipelines like Line 3 will surely help @wellsfargo fulfill its commitment to net zero by 2050! #WellsFargo #BankingOnExtinction #DefundLine3

Text 2: 3.9 billion for Enbridge, builder of Line 3, built on sovereign indigenous land. The only diversity initiative @WellsFargo takes seriously is the diversity of BIPOC folx they're willing to exploit. #WellsFargo #BankingOnExtinction #DefundLine3

2. TD Bank 

Text 1: Does your carbon neutrality account for being the #1 financer of tar sands, including Line 3? #TDBank #BankingOnExtinction #DefundLine3

Text 2: What do you have to say about all the missing and murdered indigenous women fostered by tar sands extraction? #TDBank #BankingOnExtinction #DefundLine3 #MMIW

3. JP Morgan Chase

Text 1: Hey @Chase, Where does funding Line 3, equivalent to the emissions from 50 coal fired power plants, fit in with your "Paris aligned financing commitment"? #chasebank #BankingOnExtinction #DefundLine3

Text 2: How does funding projects that foster an environment where indigenous women are kidnapped, raped, and murdered fit into your commitment to racial justice? #chasebank #BankingOnExtinction #DefundLine3 #MMIW 

Text 3: "Systemic racism is part of this country's tragic history" - Jamie Dimon. And a history @Chase is  perpetuating by financing the destruction of indigenous land #chasebank #BankingOnExtinction #DefundLine3 ​​​​​​​​​​​​

4. Bank of America

Text 1: Financial Crisis: Profit by forcing people out of their homes. Climate Crisis: Profit by forcing people off this planet #BankofAmerica #BankingOnExtinction #DefundLine3

Text 2: Your commitment to racial equity doesn't offset the profits you get from destroying indigenous lands for Line 3 #BankofAmerica #BankingOnExtinction #DefundLine3​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

5. Citigroup

Text 1: "The climate crisis is among the top critical challenges facing our global society and economy today..." Jane Fraser, Citi CEO. That's why @citibank gave 5 billion dollars to Enbridge, builder of Line 3. #Citigroup #BankingOnExtinction #DefundLine3

Text 2: 1 billion for investments in racial justice, compared to hundreds of billions in fossil fuels and the indigenous lands they exploit. #Citigroup #BankingOnExtinction #DefundLine3

Additional Hashtags: #StopLine3 #shutdownDAPL #BankingOnClimateChaos #StopTheMoneyPipeline #FossilBanks

Last Task!: Once you've done this, set an alarm on your phone for 24 hours from now. When that alarm goes off, go to your social media platform (or platforms!) of choice, search for the hashtag #BankingOnExtinction, and share or retweet, like, and comment on your favorite post you find! Keeping the momentum of social media based actions going is a key to their success, and you'll be amplifying your and other peoples' voices on this critical issue.

Super Low Maintenance Option: Go to the hashtag #BankingOnExtinction on your platform(s) of choice, and like, comment, or share any of the images shared with that hashtag.

Thank you everyone for participating!


Chase Bank


Blackrock’s Big Problem