Climate Change and Solutions
Present day climate change is human-caused and we know the solutions
Scientists urge citizens to mobilize
Over 1,000 scientists across the globe took nonviolent direct action after the release of the latest IPCC report. They say: “The ecological crisis is accelerating, and only a "climate revolution" will be enough to avert catastrophe.”
Liberty Mutual
Insurance companies are meant to protect individuals from catastrophic risks, but when it comes to the largest threat to humanity, insurers are funding and insuring fossil fuel projects. Take action and call on Liberty Mutual to stop insuring fossil fuels projects!
Bank of America
Bank of America is the fourth worst banker of fossil fuels globally. Take action and call on BOA to divest from fossil fuels!
Wells Fargo
Wells Fargo is the second worst banker of fossil fuels in the world, and #1 for fracking. Take action and call on Wells Fargo to divest from fossil fuels!
Chase Bank
JPMorgan Chase continues as the #1 worst banker of fossil fuels globally. Take action to call on Chase Bank to divest from fossil fuels!
Stop Line 3
Take action to call on banks to stop funding Line 3, an oil pipeline owned by Enbridge
Blackrock’s Big Problem
Blackrock is the world's largest investor of natural gas, coal, oil, and rainforest destruction. Take action and call on Blackrock to divest from fossil fuels and stop destroying natural habitats.
2022 IPCC Report: 'Atlas of Human Suffering'
The recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Report (IPCC) states that we are running out of time to stop runaway global heating that will create what climate scientists call an “uninhabitable hothouse Earth.”
Climate emergency caused by human behavior
The current Climate and Ecological Crises are not the result of normal fluctuations of Earth, they are the direct result of human behavior.
Government continues protecting Fossil Fuel Industry
The federal government continues to subsidize fossil fuels while the Supreme Court rolls back environmental protections
Net Zero by 2050 is too late
New IPCC report says that we need to halt all new fossil fuel infrastructure and rapidly phase out existing infrastructure
2023 IPCC Report
The latest IPCC report says this is our final chance to act if we want any chance of avoiding 1.5 degrees C heating. Warns that climate change is making Earth “uninhabitable”
Humanity’s struggle to respect Boundaries
Humanity is crossing Earth’s boundaries, creating an environment that is increasingly inhospitable to life
Fossil Fuels, air pollution & environmental racism
Air pollution from the burning of fossil fuels leads to health issues and premature deaths, with communities of color being used as sacrifice zones
The Military’s huge carbon footprint
The US military is a bigger polluter than as many as 140 countries.
Climate change denial
Denial about the climate and ecological emergencies is putting the safety and survival of humanity at risk