Wells Fargo

Fossil fuel projects don’t just need governmental approval - they also need money. Behind every fossil fuel project there's a private bank financing global heating and the destruction of Earth.

From Rainforest Action Network's Report: Banking on Climate Change 2020, "33 of the world's largest banks have financed fossil fuels with 1.9 trillion since the Paris Agreement was signed, with financing on the rise each year."

JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and Citibank are the four top banks funding fossil fuels globally - they are responsible for leading life on Earth towards extinction.

Wells Fargo

Despite the urgency of the climate crisis, Wells Fargo is the third worst banker of fossil fuels in the world, and # 1 for Fracking. Wells Fargo has spent an average of 49B on fossil fuel projects since Paris, and a massive 63B in 2018. They have also remained the worst banker of fracked oil and gas since Paris. Wells Fargo is leading life on Earth closer to extinction.





Chase Bank