Rich driving Climate Crisis
The very rich will disproportionately use up the remaining carbon budget, and whether we even have a carbon budget left is up for debate among scientists
The Military’s huge carbon footprint
The US military is a bigger polluter than as many as 140 countries.
Renewable Energy Market and Fossil Fuel Subsidies
The fossil fuel industry benefits from subsidies of $11m every minute, but renewables are gaining traction in the market
Degrowth for a habitable Earth
Why moving away from our capitalist system is necessary to maintain a habitable Earth
Stop the Money Pipeline
The World Bank and big banks in America spend billions on fossil fuels
Cryptocurrency and the climate crisis
Cryptocurrency mining requires a lot of energy and is moving us away from our climate goals
Amazon, Google, and Microsoft are funding climate chaos
Tech companies continue to greenwash the public, outwardly claiming to be "green," climate friendly, or 100% renewable, with practices that do not align with these declarations. Google, Amazon, and Microsoft are the worst offenders.
Climate Crisis and Insurance rates
As global heating causes more extreme and frequent weather events, insurance premiums are anticipated to more than double
Green jobs and degrowth
Transitioning to renewables will save countries money and boost the economy through the creation of green jobs
Big business can do more on climate
Big business can do more to work with government and prevent climate breakdown
Excessive consumption in first world countries
This Black Friday we spent a record amount on online shopping. Our consumption habits are not in line with maintaining a livable earth.
Failing Leaders
Fossil fuel companies run by people who dismiss planetary boundaries and don’t value protecting the health and safety of consumers
Climate change denial
Denial about the climate and ecological emergencies is putting the safety and survival of humanity at risk
Moving beyond political polarization
Learn about the barriers to raising awareness about the climate crisis and ways we can move beyond climate denial and political polarization
Governments aren’t doing enough to prevent climate breakdown
The federal government and big business aren’t doing enough on climate, even though the majority of Americans want more action
Corruption of Fossil Fuel industry
Fossil fuel companies are making record profits while ignoring climate activists and lobbying governments to subsidize and protect them
Excessive consumption of the rich and famous
The lifestyle of the rich and famous doesn’t respect planetary boundaries and shouldn’t be used as the measuring stick of success
Politicians and public manipulated by Fossil Fuel Industry
Fossil fuel execs manipulate and lobby politicians so they’ll protect the industry and won’t pass climate policy
Greenwashing is an advertising tactic that misleads the public into believing companies are “earth-friendly,” when the reality is very different
Risks of Geoengineering
Some governments are relying on geoengineering to slow global heating, but scientists say it could be dangerous and we need to focus on getting off fossil fuels