Visual Art

Paintings, photographs, and graphic design about climate and ecological breakdown. If you’d like to submit your own work, please follow these submission guidelines!

I’ve adored animals since I was a little girl and try to capture their essence in my paintings. Because of human behavior, we’re at risk of losing a million animal and plant species, many within only decades. Watercolors by Alison. Click arrows to scroll through paintings.

Art made for an Extinction Rebellion campaign to recruit new members and raise awareness about the climate and ecological crises. Click arrows to scroll through images.

Images of humanities transition from the holocene epoch, a period of time when the climate was stable enough for life to thrive, to the anthropocene epoch. The anthropocene epoch is a period of time when human behavior - capitalism, fossil fuels, and envirionmental destruction - threw earth off balance. If we don’t change our trajectroy, we are heading towards runaway global heating and what scientists call “an uninhabitable hothouse earth.” Art by anonymous. Click arrows to scroll through images.

One thing I’m doing for the environment is planting wildfires and other plants in my yard to attract butterflies and other pollinators. Photograph by Irina.