The Inflation Reduction Act won’t save us

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) overshoots 1.5 degrees C heating, which is considered the safe and habitable zone by climate scientists.

The IRA is a step in the right direction in terms of incentivizing renewables and speeding up their production, but a step backwards since it legally protects the fossil fuel industry and allows them to continue production for the next decade. 

The UN states that we cannot afford to build new fossil fuel infrastructure. We need to rapidly scale up renewables as we phase out existing fossil fuel infrastructure. But the new bill legally protects the fossil fuel industry by allowing them to drill and expand production for the next decade. It also opens up millions of acres in the Gulf of Mexico to new drilling, putting frontline communities at risk. This is incompatible with maintaining a habitable earth.

Scientists who wrote the IPCC report state that their findings were misinterpreted and that if we want any chance of halving emissions by 2030–which is needed to avoid heating 1.5 C of warming, considered the safe and habitable zone–we need to start slashing emissions now. We cannot wait until 2025 and we certainly can’t afford to expand fossil fuel production.

“The solid and clear scientific consensus (IPCC WG3 report from April 4th) is that fossil fuel expansion and new fossil fuel infrastructure needs to end between 2020 and 2025 (science speak for "now")' to avoid dire 2°C” - Peter Kalmus, NASA scientist

To stay on course with Paris, first world nations would need to zero emissions by 2035-2040 across sectors. We are dangerously off course.” - Jason Hickel

Too many unknowns

There are also many unknowns to justify the continued burning of fossil fuels. Scientists are learning as they go since this is the first time human behavior is leading towards global climate and ecological collapse.

Scientists say that accelerating global warming via an 'aerosol termination shock' in the 2020s and 2030s cannot be ruled out.

Methane levels are increasing. Methane is 80x more heat trapping than carbon during its first 20 years in the atmosphere.

More reading


Net Zero by 2050 is too late


2023 IPCC Report