Scientists urge citizens to mobilize
Over 1,000 scientists across the globe took nonviolent direct action after the release of the latest IPCC report. They say: “The ecological crisis is accelerating, and only a "climate revolution" will be enough to avert catastrophe.”
Take Action From Home
Take Action on the Climate and Ecological Crises from the comfort of your home!
How to talk about Climate Change
How to talk about the climate emergency with family, friends, and climate deniers
Reduce your Households trash, Plastics and Chemicals
Ecological pollution and destruction is the leading cause of the Sixth Mass Extinction. Here is a list of suggestions for cutting back on household plastics, chemicals, and waste.
Be Your Own Media
Write op-eds and contact your reps about the climate and ecological crises!
2022 IPCC Report: 'Atlas of Human Suffering'
The recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Report (IPCC) states that we are running out of time to stop runaway global heating that will create what climate scientists call an “uninhabitable hothouse Earth.”
The Inflation Reduction Act won’t save us
The Inflation Reduction Act is not strong enough to prevent climate and ecological collapse
Recent Reports from the IPCC and IEA
Reports from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the International Energy Agency
Animal Agriculture
Animal agriculture produces around 15% of global emissions and requires massive amounts of deforestation and fresh water
Uninhabitable Earth
Because of human behavior, we are on track to hit major tipping points that will render large areas of Earth uninhabitable and put the survival of our species at risk
Humanity’s struggle to respect Boundaries
Humanity is crossing Earth’s boundaries, creating an environment that is increasingly inhospitable to life
Sixth Mass Extinction as dangerous as Climate Crisis
The Sixth Mass Extinction is the first major extinction event that is preventable and a result of human behavior.
Why we need to focus on the Ecological Crisis
We need to transition away from oil, coal, and natural gas to renewable energy and restore and protect ecosystems.
Deforestation and loss of Rainforests
Humans are destroying rainforests, one of Earth’s major carbon sinks and home to many species of plants and animals
Earth’s Tipping Points
Earth is on the brink of reaching irreversible tipping points that will spiral heating out of human control and into what scientists call an “uninhabitable hothouse Earth”