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Vanguard is a major investor in fossil fuels and has not taken steps to eradicate environmental injustice. Take action and call on Vanguard to divest from fossil fuels and protect frontline communities!

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Why we Act: February 2022 IPCC Report

Coverage of the Feb 2022 IPCC report from the UN.

“Our current future trajectory is a long drawn out tragedy. We have the privilege right now to know about it, we have the capacity to act on it, and history has shown us that anybody can be part of movements for change. We have the luxury of a rich history, which can teach us about them for inspiration.”

“So we have a responsibility, but there is a mass movement here which can help to make change happen. We believe collectively in the power of good people and you can still join us because there is still time.” This talk is from the Extinction Rebellion Open Call on March 15th. Watch the full recording here.

Explained: February 2022 IPCC Report

Coverage of the Feb 2022 IPCC report from the UN.

The IPCC reports are written in really difficult, technical language that makes them almost impossible to understand. We filmed this discussion about the most recent report, with the help of Dr Charlie Gardner from XR Scientists, to draw out the meaning behind the technical language and explain what’s really going on.